About Me

September 1, 2014

Hello there.  I guess if I'm going to be writing to you a couple times a week I should at least introduce myself.  My name is J.J.  I am 33 years old (as I write this --I started this blog over a year ago).  I am not a professional writer and I am certainly not a professional runner.  But, I do attempt to write a little bit about running and a lot about life.
A little about the running:  To date, I have run two full marathons, 3 half marathons, and countless 5k, and 10k races.  I have never won any of these races.  I haven't ever even come close to winning these races, but I do consider every race I start a win for me.  Running has never been easy for me, but that's why I love it.  Well, that and the extra cookies it affords me...

A little about the writing:  Running does something more for me than burn calories and strengthen my legs.  Running has taught me more lessons than I think I could ever put down here on this blog.  Namely, running has given me the confidence I was never able to find anywhere else.  I have learned that I am capable of doing hard things (in the case of the full marathons - VERY hard things).  Through running, I have learned that I am capable of pushing myself beyond my limits to accomplish my goals.  And, I think that is where the writing started for me.  I want to share with you all of the lessons I have learned and continue to learn on the long run.  I want you to find your inner strength and all of the confidence that comes along with knowing you can overcome any obstacle this long run presents, even if you never tie on a pair of running shoes.


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  2. Would like to discuss affiliation with your blog, email me depackramavat@gmail.com?

  3. Quick question


    I’m a huge fan of your site and the work you do, so wanted to reach out and connect.

    My business, the “10 Day Health Challenge” (www.10dayhealthchallenge.com) also believes in spreading a whole foods lifestyle and fostering healthy eating. My quarterly Challenge is a web-based program designed to guide participants in clean and mindful eating for ten days.

    I’d love to gift you our FREE 3 Day Spring Challenge so you can see what we’re all about.

    You can download it here - www.10dayhealthchallenge.com/3dayspring

    Here’s to a happy and healthy spring!


    ~ Haley Whitley
