
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The other day I was sitting at my desk with my head in my hands thinking about life and my schedule and all that we go through when I thought,
"My plate is FULL."
My immediate next thought was,
 "But my cup runneth over."
The next thing that came to mind was,
 "Holy Grail."
Okay, so the last one isn't exactly the point of this blog.  But any opportunity you get to get a good JT moment in, you've got to take it.  What I realized sitting there in exasperation is that it all comes down to dishware. 
My plate is full.  I am daily surrounded by fear and pain and sadness and uncertainty and that is just the tip of it.  Some days I feel like if one tiny extra morsal hits my plate, it's all going to go crashing and spilling to the floor below me.  It is overwhelming. 
But, then there's that cup.  Runnething over.  My blessings are many.  I cannot begin to describe the kindness I recieve on a daily basis from friends, family, co-workers, and even strangers.  These are people who have their own problems, their own schedules, and their own sadnesses.  Yet, these are the people who are consistently filling my cup.  They end their emails with the all powerful phrase, "How are you?"  They swing by my office just to chat.  They send cards and texts and meals and gifts and prayers.  They are constantly checking in and they understand when I check out.  They are the balance that I so often write about searching for.  I realize with my cup this full, does it really matter if my plate hits the floor?  I am touched by human kindness and I am forever grateful for all of the cup filling.
So, there it is folks.  It's all dishware.

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