
Thursday, March 6, 2014

I'm Baaaaaack!!

I'm baaaaack!  Or at least I'm back at it. 

Yesterday, I took my first Bar Method class in over a month and today I went on my first long(ish) outdoor run. I can't tell you how nice falling back into my regular routine feels. There is something very comforting in the familiarity of routine. And comfort is something I have been in need of lately. 

I woke up this morning so sore I didn't really get out of bed so much as I fell out of it.  Man, it felt good to be sore again. But, more than just waking up sore, I also woke up this morning KNOWING with every bone in my body that I was ready for a real run. In full disclosure, it wasn't my first run. On days over the last month when I have made it to the gym, I have been able to get in a few miles here and there on the treadmill. But nothing more than some very short sprint work. Treadmill running has felt safe. Having a TV in front of my face allowed me to zone out and focus on nothing more serious than Matt Lauer or the Kardashians. But today I was ready to really run. 

I got a much later start than I wanted to this evening, but the sun was still out and it was a beautiful day with a beautiful sunset. Right away I remembered the difference between outdoor running and a quick few miles on the treadmill: the lack of spring to the ground below me and the burning of my lungs as I breathe in the chilled air around me. It didn't start easily, but I never considered stopping. I had been afraid that I might be overcome with thoughts of my mother-in-law and mourning. But, I wasn't. In fact, for the entire run, all I felt was gratitude. I was grateful to be back outside taking in the signs as I ran. I really had missed running. I missed the sites and sounds of people coming and going from their homes. I missed running in nature and all that it brings. Well, mostly. At one point, I slowed down to take a picture of those odd looking guinea fowl I see every now and then. 
And just as soon as I snapped the picture I was chased on my way by a very creepy looking blue eyed-big dog. Hey, I guess it was Mother Nature's way of telling me to pick up the pace. And, pick up the pace I did!!  Turns out, I've still got a little speed still in these legs. 

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