
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Oui are learning French!

Check out my new audiobook for long runs:

I've decided to use my time on long (and medium) runs not just to improve physically, but mentally as well. Learning a second language has always been something I've wanted to do (4 years of German in jr.high and high school and I've only got four or five sentences to show for it), but never have had time. I'd always assumed that second language would be Spanish, but my husband and I recently booked a big trip to France for one of my best girl's weddings (yay!  So excited for her!) and I figured I might as well start preparing with some French lessons. What can I say?  Once I get excited for a trip, I tend to obsess about it. Just ask my husband. He's heard the phrase, "but this will be perfect for France," one too many times as boxes of clothes show up at our door. 

Today's five miles were very productive. For one, I am slowly getting my body back into a training schedule and that feels good. And two, I learned how to say, "I have prepared the roast beef."  Which, I'm sure will come in very handy while we vacation in southern France...

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