
Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Plan

I've been spending some time trying to come up with a plan and now I'm ready to share the plan with you. 

I'm not going to run. 

Yes, you read that correctly, I am not going to run. I know, it's an odd thing to hear from someone who writes a running blog. But, it's true. I'm taking some time off from running. 

While I was running the half marathon two weeks ago, I felt some pretty significant pain. I was able to through it, but I felt it every step of the way. Even days after running, I was still feeling an extraordinary amount of soreness and pain.  When you feel pain like this, you have to do some evaluating of what's going on with your body. I've come to two conclusions:

1.  My body needs a break. Several of the places where I was really feeling the pain while I ran were the same areas that hurt so badly during the full marathon in January. This tells me that I've never taken the time to let these small little injuries (for lack of a better word) heal. With no distance races planned, I think it's time to let my legs heal. My injuries are minor and need nothing more than a little rest.  I think that if I give up running for a little while, my legs will bounce right back and be ready to run strong. 

2.  I'm out of shape. Okay, I know this is the part where most people roll their eyes. Of course I'm not really out of shape. I just ran 13.1 miles. I'm in shape. I'm just not in my typical shape. And, I'm not saying that with any negative connotation. It's okay to go through varying levels of fitness. It's normal not to be in "fighting" shape all of the time. It's been a rough an exhausting year and there have been plenty of reasons for me to let my fitness level slip a little. My strength training went down to only about once a week for most of the year and I really think that had a big impact on my running. While trying to fit marathon training into an already insane schedule, I found myself sacrificing all of my other fitness routines. My strength and flexibility have taken a big hit this year. Part of being a good runner is being strong. I'm going to take my time off from running to get stronger, more fit, and more prepared for the long run. 

Even though it's only been a few days, it's weird not to run. I already miss it. When I drive by a runner, I can't help but feel a little jealousy. But I am certain on my decision to take a break. I think this break isn't just going to get my physically ready to run again, but mentally it is going to get me excited to run again. 

In the meantime, I'm finding other methods of exercise and that's fun and exciting. Two days ago I talked my husband into going on a 16 mile bike ride with me. It was fun seeing the trails I normally run from the vantage point of a Bicycle. I've been able to get to Bar Method several times this week and all of  my leg muscles are remembering what it means to shake like crazy. 

I've also been able to catch up on some old Sex And The City episodes from the comfort of the elliptical machine. 

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