
Monday, September 8, 2014


Change is good for all of us, right??

In the name of continued growth, I've made a few changes to this blog. I hope you like them and find them helpful.  For over a year now, I've operated this blog on a very basic level (like our parents and IPhones - just enough to get by), so it was fun learning new tricks and making changes. Here's what I've done:

1. About Me - Well, this is probably a pretty self-explanatory page. A little about me and a little about the blog. 

2. Posts Worth Reading - Now this was the most fun to set up!  This page will take you to links for some of my most read, most favorite, or most special to me posts. I had such a good time going back through the years reading some of my favorite entries. All I can say is we've been through quite a bit on this road together. I hope to keep at it with you guys and I hope to keep adding to this section. If there is an entry that I didn't include that meant something to you, let me know. I will add it and maybe it will mean something to someone else. 

3.  Travel - I most look forward to adding to this one!!  This page contains links to posts about my runs on the road. Traveling is one of my very most favorite things to do. I have been very lucky to travel to some amazing places and even more lucky to run in them. In going back through my blog, I see I haven't done a great job of taking you along with me everywhere I've gone. That is going to change. Going forward, I will make sure to blog about all of the various places I am priveleged enough to run. 

4.  Race Recaps - Another pretty self-explanatory page and another thing I haven't been very good about doing in the past. Under race recaps, you will find entries about races I have run. I have several races coming up, so I will do a much better job of writing about them for you. 

5.  Twitter - I'm really excited about this one. I've put a link on the right  side of the blog homepage to the Long Run Lessons twitter account (handle: @longrunlessons). I will update this at least once a day with run/health/esteem quotes/pictures/thoughts. I will also update twitter on my runs and lessons that I want to share, but maybe don't deserve an entire blog post. I think this twitter account will be a lot of fun and a way to reach out and keep in touch a little more frequently. 

6. Badges - the running/blogging community is a huge and wonderful place. I am so glad to call myself a part of it. If you click on one of the badges on the right side of the blog homepage, you will be taken to some of the groups that I am priveleged enough to be a part of. There you will find links to many other blogs about running/fitness/health. I, of course, want to be your favorite blogger, but there are so many great runner, writers out there and I want you to enjoy them too. 

*** Edited to add that I'm now on Instagram too!  You can follow me at @longrunlessons

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