Thursday, November 7, 2013

Morning Reward

45 degrees may be an ideal running temperature, but it is not an ideal getting out of bed temperature. That's right folks, the weather has changed and now instead of complaining about running in the humid heat, I'm going to complain about running in the bitter cold (keep in mind I'm a Houstonian.  45 is bitter cold to me).  After hitting snooze more than once and trying my best to figure out any way to get out of running seven miles before work, I finally dragged myself out to get it over with. And you know what?  A couple of miles in, I was rewarded with this gorgeous sunrise:

When the task ahead seems miserable and you just don't wanna, do. You never know what is waiting for you out there. 

Oh, and the other reward for running 7 miles before work?  Potbelly cookies!

You'll notice there are no cookies in this bag, I couldn't wait that long to eat them. 

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